Monitoring and Control System for Temperature, Humidity, and Air Quality in LVMDP Panel Rooms to Improve the Reliability of LVMDP Panel Components Using Fuzzy Logic


  • Moch Bayu Aji Pamungkas Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik
  • Denny Irawan Program Studi Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik



IoT, Fuzzy Logic, Monitoring System


Power Distribution System plays a crucial role in modern life. Low Voltage Distribution Panel (LVMDP) is a critical component within this system, responsible for distributing low-voltage electricity to various loads. Optimal reliability and performance of LVMDP are essential to ensure continuity and stability of power supply. Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and air quality can significantly impact the reliability and lifespan of electrical equipment in LVMDP. An Internet of Things (IoT) and Fuzzy Logic-based Monitoring and Control System offers an innovative solution to address these issues. The IoT Monitoring System enables real-time monitoring of temperature, humidity, and air quality, allowing for early detection of environmental changes that could potentially damage equipment. The Fuzzy Control System then responds to these changes automatically and adaptively, regulating cooling, heating, circulation, dehumidifier, or humidifier devices to maintain optimal environmental conditions. Implementing this Monitoring and Control System not only enhances equipment reliability and lifespan but also reduces the risk of power supply disruptions. Therefore, the development and implementation of this system serve as an innovative and essential solution in maintaining the reliability of the power system. Advancements in IoT and Fuzzy Logic technologies open up opportunities to improve the overall reliability and efficiency of the Power Distribution System. This Monitoring and Control System presents a strategic step that can yield significant positive impacts on the reliability and performance of the Power Distribution System as a whole.


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How to Cite

Pamungkas, M., & Irawan, D. (2024). Monitoring and Control System for Temperature, Humidity, and Air Quality in LVMDP Panel Rooms to Improve the Reliability of LVMDP Panel Components Using Fuzzy Logic. Jurnal Komputer, Informasi Dan Teknologi, 4(2), 12.




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